Saturday, October 29, 2022

In the race for governor, Kevin Stitt, Joy Hofmeister are trying to win favor with Oklahoma’s growing Latino population

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In the race for governor, Kevin Stitt, Joy Hofmeister are trying to win favor with Oklahoma’s growing Latino population
Stitt and Hofmeister have both focused their stump speeches at Latino community events on education policy, but with stark differences.

In Oklahoma’s largest county, one of the most important criminal justice roles in the state is set to change hands

One candidate has in the past threatened to set himself on fire over abortion and has little experience as a prosecutor. The other is a former prosecutor turned defense attorney who carries the baggage of being a Democrat in a deeply conservative state.


We fact-checked the Oklahoma governor’s debate between Kevin Stitt and Joy Hofmeister
From Oklahoma’s violent crime rate to abortion law, we found false and misleading statements.
Oklahoma executes diagnosed schizophrenic Benjamin Cole over attorneys’ protests
Cole is the sixth man Oklahoma has put to death since resuming executions in 2021. Three more executions are scheduled before the end of the year.

We fact-checked candidates for Oklahoma County District Attorney
The Frontier found false and misleading claims from both candidates.

Impact: The Frontier wins Oklahoma Society of Professional Journalists honors

Statewide journalism contest names The Frontier ‘Best Website’ and recognizes staff writers Clifton Adcock and Kayla Branch for reporting.

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