Sunday, December 26, 2021

As Gov. Kevin Stitt fights with Oklahoma tribes over the McGirt decision, his brother is using the ruling to try to get out of a speeding ticket

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As Gov. Kevin Stitt fights with Oklahoma tribes over the McGirt decision, his brother is using the ruling to try to get out of a speeding ticket
Marvin Keith Stitt is seeking to get a Tulsa traffic ticket tossed because he is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation.

Child welfare advocates say parents’ right to a jury trial prolongs the time children spend in foster care
The Oklahoma Constitution entitles parents to a trial in front of a jury before their rights are terminated and children in foster care can be adopted. Some lawyers and foster parents say this right causes delays in child welfare cases.

Listen Frontier: Omicron variant is in Oklahoma. What now?
Dylan Goforth spoke with Tulsa County Health Department Director Bruce Dart days before the omicron variant was found in Oklahoma. 

We’re hiring a state government reporter
We’re looking for someone who can deliver a mix of political news and longer-term, watchdog stories that hold our state leaders accountable. 

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