Saturday, December 11, 2021

Why some believe connecting black moms with doulas can save lives

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In Oklahoma, Black families turn to doulas for better births
While progress to address poor birth outcomes among Black Oklahomans has been slow, women are taking action themselves.

Video: Watch our panel discussion on ‘Racism and Reproductive health’

Less than 24 hours away from execution, Bigler Stouffer says he’s ‘at peace’ and is thankful he didn’t receive clemency
After more than 30 years on death row, Stouffer maintains his innocence but said he would rather die than spend life in prison.

Bigler Stouffer asked God to forgive his executioners as he became the second man Oklahoma put to death this year
Minutes before falling unconscious, Stouffer smiled and laughed with his spiritual advisor. He told God to forgive those who were putting him to death.

Listen Frontier
Bigler Stouffer is set to be executed on Thursday. On Wednesday, he spoke with The Frontier about his upcoming execution, how he felt about his clemency hearing, and reiterated he was innocent of killing Linda Reaves.

One worker called a move to Stillwater ‘a hurried, thoughtless decision’ before inspectors found violations at Oklahoma’s Public Health Lab
Critics of the decision to move a state laboratory from Oklahoma City to Stillwater said they are not surprised a federal investigation found problems with staffing levels and COVID-19 testing protocols.

Gov. Stitt could take the witness stand in a former state trooper’s civil trial over cheating and blackmail allegations
A former Oklahoma Highway Patrolman claims agency top brass gave a favored trooper the questions to a promotional exam in advance and accused him of blackmail when he raised concerns.

We’re hiring a state government reporter
We’re looking for someone who can deliver a mix of political news and longer-term, watchdog stories that hold our state leaders accountable. 

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