Saturday, November 7, 2020

Oklahoma votes — What did we learn?

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Oklahoma votes: What did we learn?

What’s the matter with Pennsylvania? Oklahoma’s quick vote count celebrated, but is a much different process than others.
Oklahoma’s quick vote count due to technology and special permissions given to county election boards.


After the failure of State Question 805, focus shifts back to the Legislature for reform
Efforts to shorten prison sentences and roll back the use of sentence enhancements have so far been blocked by state district attorneys.


For Democrats in Oklahoma, there were some moral victories amid sea of losses
No counties went for Joe Biden on Tuesday, but he significantly outperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 results in the state.


Republicans win a sweep with the takeback of the state’s 5th congressional district
Voters in Oklahoma’s 5th congressional district have rejected an incumbent for the second time in two years.


Oklahoma voters reject two state questions
Oklahoma voters soundly defeated a measure that would have made major changes to the state’s criminal justice system. A measure that would have funded part of the state’s Medicaid expansion also fell short.

Help us continue to report on prison conditions in Oklahoma
The Frontier’s reporting on COVID-19 in Oklahoma prisons wouldn’t be possible without support from our readers.

How the pandemic unfolded in Oklahoma
There have been 129,873 known coronavirus cases in Oklahoma and 1,413 reported deaths. We’re tracking it.

Subscribe to our new ‘Halls of Power’ newsletter
Introducing Halls of Power, a new newsletter by The Frontier’s Ben Felder shining a light on what is influencing Oklahoma government. This weekly newsletter, which launches Nov. 4, will provide additional insight into our reporting on Oklahoma government at all levels, along with unique stories and interviews.

Listen Frontier: Listen Frontier: Oklahoma votes — What did we learn?
Kassie, Brianna, Dylan and Ben discuss Tuesday’s elections and the results from Oklahoma, including Stephanie Bice’s win in the 5th Congressional District, the defeat of two state questions and how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted voters.

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