Saturday, November 14, 2020

Oklahoma officials continue to push ‘personal responsibility’ for COVID-19

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Oklahoma officials continue to push ‘personal responsibility’ as experts say vaccine is months off
Gov. Kevin Stitt and health officials’ message on Tuesday emphasized an upcoming coronavirus vaccine and Oklahomans practicing “personal responsibility” as a way to curb the spread of the pandemic.

Sign up for our new ‘Health Matters’ newsletter
Health Matters is a weekly newsletter that keeps Oklahomans up to speed on the most essential health news in their state.

New cases of COVID-19 and hospitalizations continue to climb to new highs in Oklahoma
There have been 147,358 known coronavirus cases in Oklahoma and 1,493 reported deaths. We’re tracking it.

COVID-19 is an accountability story
Since the pandemic first reached Oklahoma, I have reported almost exclusively on its wide-reaching implications on Oklahomans.

Mullin the loudest as Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation speaks out about Presidential election
While all the current members of Congress have commented on the election results, the Westville Republican has been Trump’s loudest defender.

Listen Frontier: Listen Frontier: Oklahoma votes — What did we learn?
Kassie, Brianna, Dylan and Ben discuss Tuesday’s elections and the results from Oklahoma, including Stephanie Bice’s win in the 5th Congressional District, the defeat of two state questions and how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted voters.

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