Saturday, October 24, 2020

Oklahoma spends less than a dollar a meal feeding prisoners

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Oklahoma spends less than a dollar a meal feeding prisoners
Photographs of prison meals show lots of starches and few fresh fruits and vegetables.

How the pandemic unfolded in Oklahoma
Oklahoma was unprepared for the coronavirus when it struck this spring. And despite efforts early on to slow virus’ spread, new infections are still increasing at previously unseen rates.

Oklahoma completes first-ever report on maternal deaths
Oklahoma is the fourth worst state in the U.S. for maternal mortality. For the past 18 years, 11 women on average die per year.

Sheriff’s race serves as a ‘proxy on law enforcement’ amid debate over policing
Wayland Cubit sells his experience, while Tommie Johnson calls for a “fresh perspective” as Oklahoma County’s race for sheriff enters final weeks.

Horn vows to protect Affordable Care Act, Bice promotes use of health savings accounts as a replacement
In one of the nation’s most competitive House races, U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn and State Sen. Stephanie Bice disagree on the Affordable Care Act and how to cover low-income Americans.

Listen Frontier: Stephanie Bice VS. Kendra Horn
Interviews with U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn and challenger Stephanie Bice  
Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Stitcher. 

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