Saturday, October 31, 2020

Her conviction was overturned, but she had to plead guilty to stay out of prison

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Her shaken-baby conviction was overturned, but she had to plead guilty to stay out of prison
After nearly a decade of fighting to have her conviction for first-degree murder overturned, her release from prison came with a cost.

Some question the legitimacy of certain Shaken Baby Syndrome convictions
It has resulted in scores of child abuse convictions in Oklahoma, but could the diagnosis be sending some innocent people to prison?

How the pandemic unfolded in Oklahoma
Oklahoma was unprepared for the coronavirus when it struck this spring. And despite efforts early on to slow virus’ spread, new infections are still increasing at previously unseen rates.

Subscribe to our new ‘Halls of Power’ newsletter
Introducing Halls of Power, a new newsletter by The Frontier’s Ben Felder shining a light on what is influencing Oklahoma government. This weekly newsletter, which launches Nov. 4, will provide additional insight into our reporting on Oklahoma government at all levels, along with unique stories and interviews.

Inhofe, Broyles, make final push as election day nears
The race between Jim Inhofe and Abby Broyles is one of contrasts.

Having trouble voting? Send us a text.
The Frontier will be on the lookout for any problems that prevent people from voting. You can help us.

COVID-19 hospitalizations and new cases in Oklahoma see new highs
There have been 117,399 known coronavirus cases in Oklahoma and 1,251 reported deaths. We’re tracking it.

Listen Frontier: Student mobility a challenge for OKC, Tulsa schools
Dr. Marsha Herron is the chief of equity and student supports for the Oklahoma City Public School district. She discussed student mobility, a challenge for the district that has only gotten worse during the COVIDF-19 pandemic.

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