Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Oklahoma businesses and organizations receive billions in federal coronavirus aid

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Oklahoma businesses and organizations receive billions in federal coronavirus aid
Recipients include businesses owned by congressmen, churches, chain restaurants and oil and gas operations.

Oklahoma City hospital expands capacity for coronavirus patients as state’s cases surge
Since June 19, coronavirus hospitalizations have increased by about 132 percent.

Oklahoma has 16,362 known coronavirus cases and 399 reported deaths. We’re tracking it.

Attorneys file new complaint on behalf of Oklahoma death row inmates hoping to stop resumption of lethal injection
Attorneys for a number of inmates held on Oklahoma’s death row filed an updated complaint in federal court on Monday, the latest step in the saga of the return of the death penalty in the state.

THIS WEEK: Unemployed and waiting in line
This week's episode takes a closer look at the struggle many Oklahomans face to receive unemployment assistance and what it looks at when hundreds of desperate people spend hours in a line looking for help.

Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Stitcher. 

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