Saturday, February 16, 2019

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Attorneys for ‘The Innocent Man’ defendant claim city, police did not disclose hundreds of pages of evidence
Karl Fontenot's legal team is asking for sanctions against those they claim did not disclose more than 300 pages of potentially “exculpatory evidence” to their client.

Sentence commuted for Oklahoma woman featured in reporting on female incarceration rates
Board member Allen McCall said this week he believed Robyn Allen’s sentence was excessive. At one point he and other pardon and parole board members wondered if they were looking at the right paperwork.

The link between domestic violence and police shootings
At least half of the men who were shot by police officers in Oklahoma last year had detailed histories of alleged domestic violence, and researchers are increasingly seeing a link between domestic violence and police shootings.

Informant takes the witness stand in Oklahoma City bomb sting trial
The FBI paid a man more than $23,000 to participate in sting operation against accused bomb maker Jerry Drake Varnell, according to testimony in a federal trial.

The employment of a Tulsa County employee with alleged KKK ties? ‘Our hands are tied.’
"Our hands are tied,” County Commissioner Karen Keith said. “There’s just not much Tulsa County can do.”

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