Saturday, February 2, 2019

Your weekly newsletter from The Frontier

Illuminating Journalism
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Grand River Dam Authority plans to build, own and operate multimillion dollar water park on Illinois River
The Walton Family Foundation offers to pay for most of the estimated $15.6-$18 million cost of the proposed whitewater park 

Oklahoma still has 24 people serving life without parole for drug trafficking
Oklahoma did away with life without parole for drug trafficking in 2015, but the law change did little to help people still left in prison.

New year, new shirts
This shirt is designed to resemble a "baseball-style" shirt, just in time for Spring Training to start in February.

Cell by Cell: Tracking every death in Oklahoma jails
We hope to uncover more about how and why people die in Oklahoma jails. Over the past five years, more than 150 people have died in jails across the state.

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