Saturday, November 24, 2018

Your weekly newsletter from The Frontier

Illuminating Journalism
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Some law enforcement worry new, stricter law will discourage sex offenders from registering
Law prohibits sex offenders from living near home daycare centers

Oklahoma spends millions in overtime pay to staff prisons
Facing acing critical staffing shortages, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections spent $15.5 million on overtime pay last fiscal year.

Judge: Inmate seeking to have his 1991 murder conviction overturned can move forward
Corey Atchison’s case will advance in a second evidentiary hearing in January.

Help us raise $50,000 to fund nonprofit journalism in Oklahoma
Now through Dec. 31, The Frontier is eligible for a matching gift opportunity from NewsMatch, a national call-to-action that support nonprofits like us

Have ideas for other stories you'd like to see in The Frontier or want to give us feedback? Please email us.

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The Frontier has new T-shirts

Look good and support independent, non-profit journalism in Oklahoma. 

Have ideas for other stories you'd like to see in The Frontier or want to give us feedback? Please email us.

Your financial support for our investigative journalism is now tax deductible. To become a Friend of The Frontier, click here.

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