Saturday, November 10, 2018

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Illuminating Journalism
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Councilwoman: Comments defending Tate Brady were ‘white privilege in action’

“I wanted to say something, it was on the tip of my tongue,” Tulsa's lone black city councilor said. “But it would not have fared well at that time.”

First Oklahoma man sentenced to life without parole for drug trafficking now hopes for release

It's too late for Leland Dodd to watch his children grow up, but he dreams of fishing in the Arkansas River again one day.

State, tribes enter into proposed multi-million dollar settlement agreement for mining sites, Tar Creek environmental cleanup

Deal would require company and three of its top executives to pay a combined $75.5 million to seven states, three federal agencies and seven northeastern Oklahoma American Indian tribes.

Help us raise $50,000 to fund nonprofit journalism in Oklahoma

Now through Dec. 31, The Frontier is eligible for a matching gift opportunity from NewsMatch, a national call-to-action that support nonprofits like us

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