Monday, October 3, 2016

This week at The Frontier...

Illuminating Journalism
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Tulsa police chief discusses city's response to fatal police shooting 
In his first major interview since the Terence Crutcher shooting, Police Chief Chuck Jordan talks about the responses of the city and his department to one of the biggest controversies either has faced.
Read more here

Terence Crutcher's widow: 'I just want what's right for me and my kids'
Until the family of Terence Crutcher settles in court who will serve as special administrator of his estate, a neutral party has been appointed and at least temporarily, removed Crutcher's common-law wife, Frenchel Johnson. 

Full story

Following brief court appearance, Betty Shelby to remain on unpaid administrative leave 
During her exit, Shelby was flanked by deputies, supporters and off-duty police officers who stood in a wall outside the SUV in an apparent attempt to keep the media from taking pictures and video.

Read the story
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