Saturday, August 5, 2023

Gov. Kevin Stitt paid more than $1.9 million in legal fees for gaming lawsuits with state money

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Gov. Kevin Stitt paid more than $1.9 million in legal fees for gaming lawsuits with state money
Oklahoma’s Attorney General says the payments to outside law firms are a waste of public funds and have damaged state relations with tribes

After a state law banning some lessons on race, Oklahoma teachers tread lightly on the Tulsa Race Massacre
Two years after Oklahoma passed House Bill 1775, educators say a chilling effect has fallen over teaching complex issues involving race.

Rep. Sherrie Conley apologizes for her remarks on the Tulsa Race Massacre

“My comments were in no way meant to downplay the horror of this event nor to say that it did not have anything to do with race,” Conley said.

Oklahoma treasurer says exemptions for ‘woke’ investment ban likely in closed-door meeting with state retirement fund leaders
The state will likely grant exceptions for pension systems using companies accused of boycotting the fossil fuel industry, Oklahoma Treasurer told executives after asking journalists and attorneys to leave the room.


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How four states – including Oklahoma – use fetal personhood to punish pregnant women

Hundreds of women who used drugs while pregnant have faced criminal charges — even when they deliver healthy babies.

Gist concerned TPS has been targeted by ‘a process that is being politicized for a very specific personal agenda’ 

Tulsa Schools Chief calls the accreditation process “untransparent.” The State Board of Education voted to punish the district last year for violating a state law that limits discussions on race and gender in public schools.


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