Saturday, April 8, 2023

Millions of dollars meant to boost broadband access in Oklahoma has gone to emergency responders instead

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Millions of dollars meant to boost broadband access in Oklahoma has gone to emergency responders instead
Large parts of the state lack access to high-speed broadband. A state office tasked with fixing the problem has diverted some federal relief money for upgrades to public safety communications systems.


Oklahoma trims millions in pledged incentives to EV maker Canoo after delays and shifting plans
State officials voided one deal with the startup worth up to $10 million after the company missed a deadline to start construction on a factory in Pryor.

Take a look at electric vehicle startup Canoo’s contracts with Oklahoma
Canoo has not yet received any incentive payments from the state, which are contingent on the company meeting hiring goals and other performance measures. Any money would come from Oklahoma’s Quick Action Closing Fund, a pot of state-appropriated cash intended to help the governor to lure new jobs to the state. 


Proposed federal rules would put  first limits on ‘forever chemicals’ in Oklahoma’s drinking water
The state now has no enforceable limits on many common man-made chemicals, which have been linked to several types of cancers, developmental problems in children and other negative health effects.


State agencies spend billions in taxpayer funds with little oversight and the numbers are growing, report finds
The state now has no enforceable limits on many common man-made chemicals, which have been linked to several types of cancers, developmental problems in children and other negative health effects.


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Why three major companies have passed on expanding in Oklahoma
Some officials blame a combination of a lack of qualified workers, infrastructure and incentives that haven’t kept pace with other states. Others say Oklahoma’s conservative politics are holding the state back. A new committee will look for answers.

Oklahoma’s only secure-care facility for youth faces 42% staff vacancy rate, growing overtime costs
Administrators say staff are frequently working 12-hour shifts, and though they try to avoid them, 16-hour shifts are sometimes necessary. Forty-eight out of 115 front-line positions are currently open.


Proposed federal rules would put  first limits on ‘forever chemicals’ in Oklahoma’s drinking water
The state now has no enforceable limits on many common man-made chemicals, which have been linked to several types of cancers, developmental problems in children and other negative health effects.


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