Saturday, May 7, 2022

State officials refuse to release a report on a troubled relief program where parents purchased TVs and smartwatches

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State officials refuse to release a report on a troubled relief program where parents purchased TVs and smartwatches
An attorney for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press says the state has given no valid reason to keep the report secret or delay its release.

Stitt gave families $8 Million for school supplies in the pandemic; They bought Christmas trees, gaming consoles and hundreds of TVs
Oklahoma gave a Florida company a no-bid contract to distribute $18 million in pandemic relief money as a test-run for school vouchers. Now federal investigators are eyeing the deal.


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We fact-checked Gov. Kevin Stitt on abortion
Stitt has vowed to make Oklahoma the most pro-life state in the nation. We found half-true and misleading information in some of his claims about abortion.

Head of Tourism resigns and the state sues over Foggy Bottom Kitchen scandal
A lawsuit claims the restaurant company hasn’t let state officials examine financial records.

A special House committee will investigate the Swadley’s Foggy Bottom Kitchen deal
“We have zero tolerance for abuse of tax dollars,” says House Speaker Charles McCall.

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