Saturday, August 29, 2020

After Supreme Court decision, American Indians wait in limbo at the Tulsa jail

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After SCOTUS decision, American Indians in Tulsa jail sometimes wait in limbo for weeks without bond or access to attorneys
While non-Indians who have been arrested on relatively low-level crimes usually receive a bond hearing within 24 hours, American Indians arrested on similar complaints could find themselves waiting days or even weeks while federal, state and tribal authorities decide who, if anyone, will pursue charges against them.

Ally or adversary: Following mayoral election, Bynum, Robinson likely to face each other off the campaign trail
Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum said he would like to work with Greg Robinson, a community activist and former political opponent, following Tuesday’s election. Robinson told The Frontier it’s up to Bynum if he’s to be an ally or an adversary.

Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum re-elected as he staves off challengers from both the left and right
It wasn’t long ago that it was perhaps considered something of a formality that Bynum would be re-elected. But he recently found himself to the left of one challenger and to the right of another.

4 takeaways from Oklahoma’s latest White House coronavirus report
The state is now among the top 10 in the nation for its test positivity rate, the report shows.

THIS WEEK: Talking about Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum's reelection
Frontier reporters break town the election and what it means for Tulsa moving forward. 
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