Saturday, April 18, 2020

Schools search for ‘lost students’ during distance learning

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Schools search for ‘lost students’ during distance learning
While schools have made contact with most students during a shift to distance learning, thousands have been unreachable and are at risk of not having contact with a school for at least the next five months until buildings reopen. 


Governor considering stimulus funds for private schools
On Friday, Gov. Kevin Stitt said he may spend his education funds on the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act, which gives tax credits to individuals and corporations donating towards tuition for private school students. 

Coronavirus cases spread in nursing homes as facilities face ‘absolute devastation’
About one in three COVID-related deaths in Oklahoma have been connected to a long-term care facility, according to the state health department.

Police shooting of three Hugo children during pursuit ruled justified
The shooting wounded the driver, who was suspected in a pizza store robbery, and three small children who were in the vehicle's backseat at the time. One child had a bullet lodged in her brain.

Tracking the spread of the virus
There were 2,465 confirmed cases as of April 17. At least 136 people have died.

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