Friday, September 7, 2018

This week, we brought you a closer look at Boeing's lucrative incentive deals with the state, an interview with Drew Edmondson and more. 

Illuminating Journalism
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Witnesses say Corey Atchison isn’t a killer. Will their testimony set him free?

Witnesses say Corey Atchison didn't kill James Lane in 1990. Many say they were coerced into lying. Other key witnesses were never called to testify at his trial.

Oklahoma gave Boeing $90 million in incentive money, along with a few other breaks

Although Boeing has more than 2,500 employees in Oklahoma, the company’s baseline employment in its most recent incentive deals with the state is zero.

To reach the state Capitol, Drew Edmondson must accomplish a difficult task

Drew Edmondson is not afraid of sounding like a broken record. Last spring’s teacher strike? He supported it. The bill to hike taxes and fund the teacher pay raises? He supported it.

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